

You will receive compensation for participating in a clinical trial. The amount of money you receive is different for each trial.

How the compensation for a trial is calculated

The amount of compensation

The amount of compensation depends on:

  • The length of the trial 
    You will receive €190 for every day that you stay at the research center. For the medical screening you will receive € 115.
  • Whether special medical procedures are done during the trial
    This could include gastroscopy, an eye test or the use of radioactive-labeled medication. You will receive a supplemental amount for special medical procedures.
  • Whether you have to return to us after an extended period
    If you have to return (briefly) 30, 60, 120 or 180 days after the last day you stayed at the research center, you will receive a supplemental amount.
  • The number of kilometers you travel
    You will receive €0.21 per kilometer. The travel expense reimbursement is a minimum of €13 and a maximum of €176.40 per round trip.

The Medical Research Ethics Committee (MREC) always evaluates whether the compensation is commensurate with the trial.

When we transfer the compensation to your bank account

We pay within 30 days

You will receive the compensation for your participation, including travel expenses, within 30 days of the follow-up screening. The payment is a gross amount and counts as "income from work." If you are required to pay taxes in the Netherlands, you will have to pay taxes on this amount. That is why you will also receive an annual statement from ICON.

It is possible you won't have to pay taxes on the travel expense reimbursement. Please keep your public transport tickets or make a note of the kilometers traveled on your income tax form.

The compensation can only be transferred to the participant's IBAN number. The name on the bank account must match the participant's information.

Foto van een deelnemer op zijn laptop in het onderzoekscentrum van ICON

Without research no new medicines

New research would not be possible without participants like you. And that would mean there would be no new medicines for patients.